![]() THE PROTOTYPE 220389 I'm just like you THE LIVE ACTION LEESWEEKEAT THE BITTERSWEET MOMENTS March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 THE REAL WORLD Aaron Cheong Adriena Amandal Annlynn Anthony Benedict Bryan Caiman Carol Chek Yeow Chi Chi Beng Dexter Dinnie Dominic Douglas Evangeline Evi Fion Furong Garrett Grismond Hong Rui Huili Iris Ivan Ivy Jamie Jaslyn Jasmine Jasmin Jeannette Jeremy Quek Jia Yang Jian Hong Jian Ming Joanna Joanne Johnny Jolie Josh Joy Keegan Kenneth Leon Lester Li Yue Liane Lucinda Mark Maryse May Melisa Melvin Miaow Guan Michelle Cheng Michelle Yao Ming Han Minting Mong Nadine Natalia Noni Peck Hoon Qi Wei Ranford Ryan Kumar Sharyl Stella Tommy Valerie Cheong Vanessa Chan Vanessa Han Weijie Wendy Lee Wendy Neo Xinjie Xueli Yan Rui Yan Yun Yassy Yechin Zhuo Xinyi Zoe
Thursday, April 30, 2009 @ 3:24 AM
growth Psalm 118:8 It is better to trust in the LORD Than to put confidence in man. Just the verse I need. Had a great meeting with E8 last Tuesday. I believe God moved ever since I started praying and seeking Him for a revelation of the CG's direction for this season. I think, that is the first time I wrote a sermon that was 5 pages long just from my own revelation. Garrett and Jamie loved it, so did E8. I was really encouraged. Haha! Spirituality and connection. Let's do it E8! :) I thank God for great leaders like Garrett and Jamie. They aren't perfect, but they're awesome. I've never ever felt so encouraged about myself and my CG than how I am today. I've never felt so bold to admit our weaknesses... I've never been able to submit them to God for His strength to be made perfect, without feeling discouraged. The world lacks such people. Oh yeah. People should just be more loving, caring and have more compassion for one another. People should stop judging people and throwing them aside without helping them. People should definitely stop labeling and gossiping... Definitely should. Yes, I thank God for the leaders and friends around me today. I thank God for the breakthrough that is coming. Growth. Growth. Growth. I'm growing. 30 days left. :) Tuesday, April 28, 2009 @ 4:17 AM
relationships but in life, not everything is that simple.... a friend who was once the closest can become the furthest in a blink of an eye. a good friend can become a stranger just like that. this is life, REAL and right before our eyes. that is why a huge percentage of the world's troubles originates from relationships. because relationships is the most precious in this world. that is why we can never be too dependant on people. because if we do, when things change... we become vulnerable. that is why we can be God-dependant. because Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forevermore. He never changes. NEVER. His love will always remain the same. He'll always be there to pick you up and push you forward on this life journey... always there to mend the broken hearted, to heal, to advocate.. that is my Jesus for you. :) I'm just so proud of my good friend here. You go girl. Oh yeah. Relationships are important. And that's why God is interested in the relationship you have with Him... Not how long or how many times you pray, not how much time you spend serving Him. Those things count, but if the real purpose is missed out, then what's the point? So who do you depend on most? :) Sunday, April 26, 2009 @ 3:39 AM
engage God works in mysterious ways. As most of you know, I'm enlisting in 14th September. Aside from that, PES B L1 proves that I have a slim chance of getting a part-time posting. Which means, not as much time to serve God. Which also means, not as much time to spend with the people I love. Feeling emotional, I spoke to God. God said to me that He will be with me when I go in, but I didn't get the answer I wanted. I mean come on, He knows I wanted an 8-5 duty. I've been praying for it since the beginning. All I got was His assuring peace, but you know, sometimes assurance is not enough. Till I got what He meant through today's sermon. That's His double mention and I was doubly blown away. Matthew 5:13-16 Oh yes, engage the world. Which means, engage the friends I'm going to make in army. Which also means, no slacking or downgrading myself, and thus my testimony in God. Which basically means, CHIONG. Yeah, you heard me. Forget seeing specialists to try and down-PES. Forget ideas of reporting sick and attending B or C. Forget thoughts of injuring myself (I'm joking, HAHA). I'm seriously going to miss the people I love back in church. But to think about it, let's say I can have all the time in the world with them... ... what gain do I have if I leave behind in my camp those who have yet to know God? The best way to lead is by example. I think I can say so much about evangelism and incubation, but I can do much more. I think I can say so much about being a great testimony, but I can show how to. I think I can say so much about being real and relevant, but I can be an example. I think I can say so much about having stature and favour, but I can affluence to influence. Actions do speak louder than words. Doers, not just hearers. Yes, I hear You Dad, and I'm going to do You proud. Please take care of E8, let them be more dependent on You and more connected to pastors. Please take care of my education, let me be able to get my BBA degree fast despite this delay. Please take care of my spouse whom I have yet to meet or realise (NO ONE IS TO COMMENT LOL). I'm going to be the example You've called me to be. I'm going to shine Your light before all ranks and positions, that they may see and glorify You. I'm going to show how real You are through how real I am... ... though as a Christian among all who are badly perceived by the world, I'm going to be different. I'm willing. I'm prepared. I'm ready. Use me. Take all of me. This is the dream You've planted in my heart. This is the dream where titles and numbers are almost irrelevant compared to loving the lost. This is the dream where we can live without having the seven un-Christian habits. This is the dream where I'm going to live for You in reality. This, is the reality dream. Thursday, April 23, 2009 @ 5:09 AM
60 days Please let it come to pass for us. For all of us. Romans 8:28 I'm praying for you, friend. Monday, April 20, 2009 @ 11:52 PM
imperfection People are not perfect. People ≠ Perfect Christians = People ∴ Christians ≠ Perfect Yes, as Christians, we are not perfect. Only God is perfect. I've come to a point where I know I will never be 100% happy and satisfied with people. Be it family, my parents, my sister (especially on FB haha!), my relatives... Be it friends, from the closest to new ones... Be it even church, from leaders to just the members, even in E Zone and E8... I have never failed to be at least once disappointed by any one of them. But I've learnt to accept them for who they are, and more than that, learnt to love and trust them. I may not have perfect parents, but they were always there for me. Literally. Never failed to be. I may not have a perfect sister, but she has always cared especially during my down times. I may not have perfect relatives, but when one family member goes down, they are all there. I may not have perfect friends, but they were the greatest friends I've found thus far. JY may not be perfect, but because of him I learnt to grow in loving and relating to people. Fu Rong and Keegan may not be too, but they never fail to cheer me up. Quek may not agree with me all the time, but he has never judged nor rejected me. Valerie may be a bit irritating at times (OH YEAH!), but she's a real great friend, I emphasize REAL. AnnLynn may be mean and numbering my hairs all the time, but she's just simple and pleasant. HR may be so funny until we sometimes cannot stand him, but that's what we like about him. (HAHA!) E8 too... We may be weak in many ways, but we are strong in many ways too... We may not be fast-growing, but we have convictions that root us deeply in God's house... We may not be very normal because of our crap, but that's how we like it :D And of course... My leaders and I may miscomm and misunderstand each other sometimes... But regardless of such things as these, they have never lost their trust for me. At times I thought they have, but the truth is they have never gave up on nor even doubted me. HOGC is not a perfect church. But HOGC is MY perfect home. People may ask what still keeps me here for so long? Why am I still here after so much disappointments from people? How am I able to trust again? Because despite an imperfect family in Christ, I have a perfect God. My emotions don't depend on my leaders, my friends, my CG or anyone else... but Him alone. My feelings aren't affected by people's imperfection, but always comforted by my Father's perfection. No more being dependent on people. No more being independent with pride. God-dependence yo. PES B L1... So what? I think I'm ready for army. :) Friday, April 17, 2009 @ 11:47 PM
conclusions? Well I won't be too quick to jump into them. Even if I do, I shouldn't be doing it here. I've learnt, that's proven enough? I can change. We all can change... Wednesday, April 15, 2009 @ 12:03 PM
memories Just received an unexpected SMS from an old friend and suddenly I feel a little nostalgic. LOL! We kind of grew up together a little. It started in a CCA we used to be so enthusiastic about but now we feel ashamed even just to disclose. But that's how we came to know God. Through a senior who is as loud as his drums, and you can guess who. Hehe. That's how we started to go to church together when we were still at Henderson. He was really a funny guy all along and a great friend to hang out with. But I soon grew to be title-driven in church that I think I lost my close relationship with him. Kinda sad. But I'm not sad now because we're talking again. Still, I remember all those moments. I remember how we used to listen to each others problems. I remember how we used to compete in running and pumping. I remember how we quarreled for a while and made it up after that. I remember how we helped each other in girl problems (shucks those were embarrassing). I remember how we used to chiong LAN (and you always owned me). I remember how we used to laugh at the seniors' weird habits. LOL! Friend, if you happen to read this, I miss you man. I still remember those times. Through those years we distanced, I learnt how important relationships were. Yes, I remembered why you left, and I apologize because I was partly at fault. I stopped being there for you and I regretted that. I judged you one helluva' lot. I praise and thank God for the miracle you've experienced. You've earned even more respect from me by your actions and gratefulness to Him. To me, you're still a great man, you're still a great friend. Haha okay, I think I'm getting a bit too mushy. I just wished I had a picture of both of us that I can post up, but dang. Anyway, hope to see you soon buddy. :) Monday, April 13, 2009 @ 7:38 AM
once bitten ... And a hundred times shy? It's just so hard to trust again. Maybe I just need the faith to do so. I want to though. How? I want back the life I've always dreamt of. Yet, with these relationships I cherish dearly. I'm glad both are complimentary. For E8, I will soar higher... I will. I am willing. I just want to see each and every one of them grow in God and rise to their purpose. So I will grow even more in God! And I know it's just these few complex areas that I need to make right with God in order to breakthrough. Yeah! I don't want to grow in God just to be the most talked about leader. Or just for pastors to talk about me from the pulpit, or for zone leaders to do the same in their meetings. The title? The glam? The fame? Deep down inside I don't want all that. I just want to see more lives changed by God, more people coming to God, and less to no one walking away. That's still my ultimate dream and goal as a Christian. Become an SCGL before going army? Become a ZM before 21? Lead a hundred people? Be on full-time staff after graduating? I'll rejoice in the Lord if those come to past, but if they don't, it doesn't matter really matter. Not as much as simply being a good testimony of God for others to follow. Not as much as being a Christian without the 7 things people hate. Not as much as taking extra miles to bring God's love to people. Because I know, If I'm not ready to take these big responsibilities, I'd rather not. I walk in God's plans and God's pace for my life. If I'm not ready for these, I know I will still love... Love God, pastors, people (E8 included!), life. I am a Christian first, then a leader. Sunday, April 12, 2009 @ 3:05 AM
supper Episode 2 (typo in title) of The Art Of Connecting With Friends is up. Hilarious. Some of you caught my Facebook update in the video. LOL. I think. It was about my medical check up for NS, when I got pending status. Speaking of which, I gotta find a specialist. Suggestions anyone? If I really get PES E, praise God in the highest man... I will thank God by... coming on staff? LOL! But really, I think I want to... ... Or should I? Having past doubts and fears. But I think I will in the end. I want to be closer to my pastors and leaders. :D Honest. It's a privilege damn it, Gabriel can't you see!? Argh. I feel like banging my head on the wall now with this thought. Well, it's a long way till then. I shall pray and fast for my medical status first. Then ask God about this... Oh man. Okay, better go bathe or I can't sleep on Qi Wei's mattress. Yes, I'm at his house again. We're going to church together early tomorrow. Bye. Sentosa with E8 tomorrow. No better else way to end off a great weekend than with great people like them. :) Saturday, April 11, 2009 @ 1:03 PM
7 things I hate I'm going to so love this series to bits. If you're not a Christian, you should even more hear this than I do. 7 Things I Hate About Christianity. It's for all. And yes, it attacks Christians. But I love it. Haha! Evaluation time. Wow? Hear it for yourselves. E8 has real men. I'm just so encouraged by how they would go out of the way to love and care for one another. Be it Raffles Place MRT or the Bak Kut Teh stall opposite of Central. They are just awesome in how they honour the girls in our CG and treat them like gems. They make me feel bad not sending Wei Xian home. LOL! This we have, we will never lose. I pray, God. Family. Thursday, April 9, 2009 @ 11:04 AM
convictions? Figures can never lie... ... But must it be all we're after? They say whatever you focus on will grow. Do you focus on the largeness and increase rate of the number? Or do you focus on what it represents no matter how big it may be? Or how fast it increases? It's a dream I've kept since last year. Zero backslide rate. Now THAT'S a figure. Even if E8 doesn't grow one bit (which they have)... Even if E8 has a lack of leaders... My focus... Our focus... Relationships... No one left out, no one left behind... No one backsliding. Our weakness we'll keep working on, yet our strength we will always keep strong. Faith. Hope. Love. And the greatest of these is STILL love. Love is what matters the most. Love is what grows everyone. Let's focus on love, not growth. Growth comes when we stop judging and start loving. Growth is hard when we focus on it and miss out the point about loving. Yes, figures will bring analysis and evaluation. But figures won't condemn us. God has seen how far we've come, so has everyone. The devil knows. The devil is trying to stop us. No. No. No. God is faithful. Even when we were faithless. Now let's be faithful to what we do best for Him. Easter is here. Let's do it E8. Let's show how we grow. 'Cos this is how we roll. :) It's all about God. Let's love God with all our hearts. God is Love. Let's bring Love to our families and friends, our schools and workplaces. It's all about Love. God, You've helped me to love, now help me to trust. Still, You're my First Love... Wednesday, April 8, 2009 @ 2:47 AM
perplexed But not in despair. God, I trust You. I don't understand, but I've got faith. Marketing is getting on my nerves. Especially when you're watching the Man Utd-Porto match while taking a break... And you see 17-year-old Macheda on the bench in a UCL match... When people like HR and I nearing our 20s are struggling with Marketing Research and Supply Chain! WHOOTS! Yeah Hong Rui is at my house. We're going to study overnight and conquer Marketing tomorrow. After which, if we still have energy, we'll go chiong L4D. Can't wait for Easter! E8's growing by strengthhhh! :D Just SEVEN more to Nihon Mura eh! HAHA! Okay, the match is getting fierce. Bye. Tuesday, April 7, 2009 @ 12:30 PM
syndrome I'm supposed to be studying but I'm updating my blog. Because my class buddies whom I'm meeting to study with is not yet here. I shall talk about a new syndrome I have discovered before my mean friend steals my discovery. It's called the I-need-to-study-but-I-don't-feel-like syndrome (I need to think of a proper name). The symptoms are doing everything else except studying. Even if it's doing something you have been feeling lazy to do for a long time, or even hate doing. It's ANYTHING but studying! Thus 4 mad people were suffering from it last night. One was playing Facebook and doing millions of quizzes, then thinking of baptism names. One was thinking whether we should play L4D before studying today so as a motivation to wake up. One was eating supper and talking nonsense on MSN. One was just being very mean and irritating. Yeah so you have, my new discovery. I will come up with a name soon. Anyway, we didn't play L4D before studying. Neither did anyone have the motivation to wake up at the time they wanted to. HAHA. Explains why I'm waiting and thus blogging. My mean friend has reached though, but I'm going to leave her alone because I want to buy lunch with Josh. Don't care her! BYE! We are such good students! :D Sunday, April 5, 2009 @ 12:35 AM
love Pastor Kong's blog gets more inspiring each time he posts. Read this. You're so going to love it. Yes, I think we should be different and change the way people think about us christians. We are NOT hypocrites. We are NOT just trying to convert people. We are NOT condemning gays and lesbians. We are NOT in our own bubble world. We are NOT conservative. We are NOT judgmental. At least, we SHOULDN'T. And I think all of us should reflect. Pastors always say, the church is built by LOVE. Making simple birthday videos for people... Having fun with cameras together... Tagging people with photos online and flooding funny comments... L4D outings... Simple meals and fellowship... Or even just dropping by at people's homes, schools and workplaces... STAYOVERS! Haha... It's all about relationships. Act 2:44-47. God is a relational God. Christianity is about having a relationship with God and God's family. It isn't a religion. It isn't a law by law thing you need to follow just to get to Heaven. It's about growing in our character as God moulds and teaches us to love Him and love others. His heart is with others. It's about others. That's what I love about E8. They are all about faith, hope and love. And I really believe we can hit 30 in overall for Good Friday and Easter. If so, we'll celebrate immediately on Sunday! Nihon Mura! HAHA! We are already 15 so EACH of us just need to bring ONE friend! Which I think the Yan sisters are bringing truckloads already because they're going to get baptised! Yes! All three of them are getting baptised this coming Friday! Yan Rui, Yan Zhen (NOT Zui) and Yan Hui! If you are really their friend you must accept their invitations okayyy! HAHA no pressure lah! But it's their big day, would be great to be there for them! Yan Rui and Yan Zhen signed up for BMT(A) too! And so did Ryan and Tee Ang! WOAH! Can't wait to see them serving God in ministry one day lahhh! From left: (Top) Fabian, Tommy, me, Kenneth, Mark, Ryan, Tee Ang, Derry (still with hair), (Bottom) Yan Rui, Yan Zhen, Zoe So proud of them. So proud of E8. One by one, they're growing in God. CG was awesome today. Presence of God was so strong. Let's make CG like this every week! :D Okay, I shall entertain the multitude of MSN conversations being bombarded at me. One of them is complaining that I seem distracted. HAHA! Ciao! Saturday, April 4, 2009 @ 3:49 AM
fantastic Just had an awesome worship session with Anthony! It's been a long time since we just dwelled in His deep presence for one whole hour or so. I miss this feeling so much! The simple hunger for God to minister and speak to us... God also ministered to Anto about a recent problem in his life and he felt really encouraged! All things are possible with God. Our biggest problems in life are like tiny dots in God's eyes compared to His purpose for us in our lives. No problem is too great that we cannot endure with Christ's strength. I thank God for the problems in my life. All that happened, and are happening, and will happen in the future. Because I know, problems which do not kill me will make me stronger. From every setback, even the smallest, I can learn from them, breathe, relax and move on... What more? I look to relate to and help other people who would go through the same things. Just like how Jesus has went through every problem before, He can help us with ours. We are called to do the same for others with the problems we have faced before! That's why I always believe that, the best way to lead, is by example... Great weekend ahead! :D Thursday, April 2, 2009 @ 11:35 AM
psed! I shall blog again since I'm alone and so free now. I have been pangseh-ed by my two very good friends because they went exercise before I got up... I didn't wake up late! Furong told me 10am, I woke up exactly at 10am! HAHA! No lah... Qiwei said 9.30am actually. But couldn't they wait for me! D: I shall stop complaining. HAHA! Follow Up with Ryan before E Evens gathering. And if you haven't heard, Ryan just got a new blog! It's here! Every time I read his first entry, I thank God for E8. WOW. It's not always about the numbers, like we always say. It's every single life changed just by the little things we do out of love. It's about relationships! It's been two busy weeks. Birthday. Failed FTT. Pending medical status for NS. HAHA! Let's update one by one. For NS, I got PES D because of suspected lipid panel. That means, they think I have potential of getting heart attack. Why? Because my dad has gotten it twice before. So? I MIGHT GET PES E! WHOO! Imagine... "Sir, chest pain, chest pain..." Then straight away 8-5! More time to serve God and still can continue PGSM! :D And I failed FTT! And and I choose not talk about it! HAHA! Let's move on! I really enjoyed my birthday this year, especially most of it with E8! E8 can be like one great birthday present to me already. Their videos are the best and at the same time the corniest! I can't stand it when Tee Ang and Ryan goes "you know I can't smile..." Now the whole song is stuck in my head! Haha! E8 you are the best! Now I have the videos, can someone upload pictures!?!?!?!?!? LOL! Oh my two good friends are back! They are complaining about my phone alarm waking them up. Well, it could wake them up but not me! HAHA! I shall look at the bright side... They are hot and sweaty while I'm nice-smelling and clean. I should have hogged the toilet and not let them bathe. LOL! I'm not such a mean person after all. Right Annlynn!? =PpP Okay, the peaceful atmosphere ends and so does the blogging. HAHA! I'm kidding. Bye! @ 4:56 AM
dilemma What could I say? What could I do? But offer this heart oh God Completely to You I'll stand With arms high and heart abandoned In awe of the One who gave it all I'll stand My soul Lord to You surrendered All I have is Yours New levels, new devils. It's the hardest thing I'll ever have to do... It's the biggest sacrifice I'll ever have to make... Can I not? I know I can't... God-dependence is not as easy as dependence though they sound the same. If you rush in, you'll confuse maturity with complexity. And before you move on, are you independent enough to be God-dependent? Because it may not be a spirit of independence, but one of insecurity... It's still early, my friend... Be simple, go simple, grow simple... Second humbling... ... And I do learn to say, "God, I can't do it all, I can't take it all..." God, take Your time. :) |