![]() THE PROTOTYPE 220389 I'm just like you THE LIVE ACTION LEESWEEKEAT THE BITTERSWEET MOMENTS March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 THE REAL WORLD Aaron Cheong Adriena Amandal Annlynn Anthony Benedict Bryan Caiman Carol Chek Yeow Chi Chi Beng Dexter Dinnie Dominic Douglas Evangeline Evi Fion Furong Garrett Grismond Hong Rui Huili Iris Ivan Ivy Jamie Jaslyn Jasmine Jasmin Jeannette Jeremy Quek Jia Yang Jian Hong Jian Ming Joanna Joanne Johnny Jolie Josh Joy Keegan Kenneth Leon Lester Li Yue Liane Lucinda Mark Maryse May Melisa Melvin Miaow Guan Michelle Cheng Michelle Yao Ming Han Minting Mong Nadine Natalia Noni Peck Hoon Qi Wei Ranford Ryan Kumar Sharyl Stella Tommy Valerie Cheong Vanessa Chan Vanessa Han Weijie Wendy Lee Wendy Neo Xinjie Xueli Yan Rui Yan Yun Yassy Yechin Zhuo Xinyi Zoe
Wednesday, December 31, 2008 @ 3:12 AM
to 'pastor allah' Now, I don't usually reply tags, so you can be honoured for this. I know who you are. I've observed your online status long enough, and monitored the IP addresses of your tags with the help of many others. I just want to say three things. Number one, you are a low-life coward. If you have a problem with us, come in your name and flame us. Be a man, and if you are female, at least be brave enough to make a stand and state your stand. None of your tags make sense, none of your tags proves any point. So if you're trying to tell us something, it's not really working. Number two, if you aren't trying to prove any point and just trying to be irritating, I'm just really sad for you. Because it just shows that you have nothing better to do during your free time... or rather, you never get busy because you never got to do anything meaningful. I'm serious, I feel for you. Number three, you have irritated enough people. If I see any more of your nonsense on mine or other people's tagboards, then you can be looking over both sides of your shoulders because you better watch out. No, it's not Santa. It's something bigger, something more serious. Something like trouble. I'll not spare you the suspense on what would happen, but you can be eager to find out by continuing your little part-time job which might be earning you 15 cents per minute, or be nicer to apologise... Which I don't think you have the guts to, so I suggest you can just at least stop it... Probably makes life easier for you, if you have one. Peace to you Allah. (By the way, you're offending Muslims, not us.) Gabriel @ 2:03 AM
only good things Awesome-ness. Things are so happening in E20. Can feel. Can see. Can do. Can. Yes we can. CHANGE. I'm a freedom writer. Monday, December 29, 2008 @ 1:32 AM
assured I feel so assured today. I was just reading a part of an article on Soccernet.com, entitled "Players of the season... so far". Here it goes. Manchester United: Darren Fletcher Downgraded and forgotten after Anderson and Owen Hargreaves arrived, Darren Fletcher appeared to be a fringe player at Old Trafford. Few thought otherwise, but this season may result in a few opinions being revised. Fletcher owed his chance to injuries, but he has taken it, establishing himself in the centre of midfield with a series of efficient, un-flashy performances. United's most consistent player was briefly their top scorer but, while he has lost that mantle, he has often kept his place in the team. Amongst fans of Manchester United, everyone talks about Ronaldo, Rooney, and big stars that do the moves and score the goals. Few talk about those who faithfully do the mundane, off-the-limelight stuff that are equally, sometimes more, important. They do become the topic at times, but only for a while. Players would work to become like Ronaldos and Rooneys. Who would want to be a Fletcher? Probably a DotA addict... I'm glad that in Heart of God church, no one is neglected and out of favour. Everyone has a place. I remember feeling left out and chucked aside recently, but my leaders like Wendy came to assure me, and after that Garrett challenged me to rise up and take charge even more. Significance. I'm so happy and proud for people in E20. Miaow Guan taking charge of the CG, most of the time when he is already occupied with many other things... Secure, love driven, others-centred, selfless at all times... Derry too, sometimes even through gritted teeth and doubtful thoughts, he's the real man... All about responsibility, all about relationships... Kenneth, what can I say? It was truly a joy seeing him on Photog this Christmas, giving his best... He's the most enthusiastic, the most energetic and now, probably the most steadfast. Anthony, the future Daniel Goh... I remember witnessing how Daniel was so faithful to learning and practising on the electric guitar when I first stepped into church, I see the same spirit in Anthony. Lester, the unstoppable... Book in, book out, still a true blue Heart of God church christian. Any army guy can say "come on, I have hell to go through"... But for Lester, hell is not being able to serve God. Tee Ang, simplicity and faith. The unexpected and unsung evangelist. According to his faith, many things were done. Yan Rui, you think I would forget you? LOL. I may not know you that well, but I know you're very joyful, hardworking and most of all, a tremendous heart of love for others. Okay, that makes up for how evil I was to you right? HAHA KIDDING. I see that in you, don't ask me why. I'm not going to tell you! LOL! Who ever talks about them a lot? But they were always there. Not the loudest nor the most charismatic, but full of heart and humility. I never regretted being your leader. I never looked back and thought that we wasted a year. I never got tired of hearing any of you out. I never felt so much more happy and inspired to lead this CG. Without you, E20 would never have come this far. I love you guys, Darren Fletchers. (No, you don't have to call yourselves that, please... HAHA.) Sunday, December 28, 2008 @ 11:01 AM
chilling At Bryan's House now. He's playing CS. HAHA. Live Feed was fun. And funny... CG centre backside... CG on centre screen, Back PC on sides. That's how I remember the display settings for offering slides. Haha. And I long for the old DVD player to be repaired and back. Toshiba should close down their business... At least on DVD players -.- Cards cards cards... 10 down, 5 more to go. May says it's okay, there's 12 days of Christmas. Thank God for that man. HAHA. Okay bye. Saturday, December 27, 2008 @ 3:01 AM
love My CG is the best. I'm biased. HAHA. But seriously. I'm surprised that 4 guys could hand make 17 cards that can give Hallmark a run for their business. Every single card, handmade for all our new friends. REAL MEN MAKE CARDS BY HAND. HAHA. Talents unleashed. Potentials seen. This is why we do what we do. And we do it for a Higher cause. Well, now that it's done, it's my turn to write all 17 cards. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH............ Hmm, you might receive one of them very soon ;) What else can I say? E20 rocks! :) Friday, December 26, 2008 @ 11:28 AM
decisive I've made up my mind. Now, we've got a lot of work to do. E20. Build. Brick by brick. Growth. Breakthrough. Live Feed. Bold. Burden. Faithfulness. Fruitfulness. Today is a good day. :) Monday, December 22, 2008 @ 4:27 AM
mountains? At Qi Wei's lifestyle-of-the-rich-and-famous now. We watched Arsenal and Liverpool fight out a draw, so we weren't satisfied. Halfway through talking to Mabel online, we got hungry when she said "sweet", so we went down to the 7-11 nearby to buy Myojo Noodles and cook a feast for ourselves. Before we show you our beautiful meal, here is something funny we encountered while cooking. ![]() This is the egg tray in Qi Wei's fridge. If you can see, there are two rows of eggs. One is brighter, one is darker. One of it was Qi Wei's grandfather's eggs, which is lower in cholesterol and he eats two of them daily... Which is also what Qi Wei and I were trying to figure out... WHICH ROW belonged to his grandfather. In the end, we just had faith and took two from just one row... So that it will be left in even numbers for him to have the next two eggs for breakfast later in the morning. Okay, back to our meal. Here is what we cooked. Yes, we were crazy. Now we are stuffed till we can't budge. Let's give you a clearer idea why. It was like swimming. Every 5 mouths we take, we need to lift our heads and take another deep breath before diving our heads back into our bowls. We had our revelation. Jesus said that if we have faith of a mustard seed, we will say to the mountain, "Move!" and it shall be done. BUT Jesus didn't say EAT the mountain. Now that we have eaten the mountain, we can't be moved. So stop feeding your flesh (stomach is made of flesh too). Speak and prophesy, and it shall be cast into the sea. I never want to see another bowl of noodles for the rest of Christmas. Friday, December 19, 2008 @ 4:26 PM
hmm It's good to think of scenarios. What if one day in Heart of God church when Pastors aren't around, and suddenly terrorists enter the premise and threaten to kill everyone. What's the first thing you would do? Solve the problem, or duck for cover? Solve the problem? How? Do what? Real men don't retreat :) @ 3:06 AM
hold your position No more running. No more hiding. No more whining. No more retreating. No more exhaling. It's all about You. Thursday, December 18, 2008 @ 3:00 AM
confront, engage Running and hiding. Threshing wheat, killing goats. What a coward Gideon was. Yet God still called him a mighty man of valor. Yet God still found favour in him and chose him to rise up and take charge. Yet God still led him to confront the problem and tear down the spirit behind it. Gideon doubted his authority, his identity and his destiny. Yet God still led him to use his authority to address his nation's identity and destiny. "God, what is it about me that You have chosen me, that You have found favour in my sight?" "Nothing. That's why I chose you... So that I may be glorified." This is for Your glory. :) Tuesday, December 16, 2008 @ 12:52 AM
dear God I cannot help them if You don't help me. I think as much as you need assurance, I need it too. Thursday, December 11, 2008 @ 4:37 PM
the fire still burns AMT(A) was amazing. 1. Had a revelation of one of the 24 verses I was memorizing. 2. Never in my life was I this confident being on Live Feed to step up and take charge, probably because Hong Kai and I were the only ICs or senior crew there. 3. Caught up with Mong after two years since I came to E Zone, and he's still as funny as ever... I laughed myself to sleep because he was telling us jokes like how muslims were staring at him when he was eating Ramly burger during Hari Raya Puasa. 4. Woke up at 4am to Joanne's singing, went for prayer meeting at 4.30am. Need me say more? 5. Leading at least a hundred in praying strong in tongues for 5 minutes. I 4D-ed. HAHA. When I'm 21, I'll see myself doing that same thing again. This time, it'll definitely be more than 5 minutes. :) 'And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.' - Romans 8:28 God didn't say that good things work together. God said, ALL things, good and bad, work together FOR GOOD, to those who love God and to the people called according to His purpose. Good or bad, God's in control. Romantic visionaries. Haha. Role Models 2009. Tuesday, December 9, 2008 @ 12:36 AM
redemption Give us clean hands Give us pure hearts Let us not lift our souls to another Give us clean hands, clean enough to not only work for you, but also to treat the wounds of another. Give us pure hearts, not to stay away from impurities, but to reject them with the deeper convictions our hearts already have. There is so much to learn... So much to understand... So much than we think there is... But God understands all. :) I think my God for my life. I love the life He gave me. I love the life where I became an outcast. I love the life where I almost retained. I love the life where I got kicked out of both JC and Poly. I love the life where God picked me up every single time I fell. I love this life that God has given me. I will never exchange it with any other person. I love my strengths. I love my destiny. I love my God. Monday, December 8, 2008 @ 4:01 AM
insight Hi God, what a rough week. I'm glad I'm back in Your arms :) I think I'm being a bit too honest on my blog... Showing how I got kicked out of school... Talking about how I have not been myself... Saying about how mundane my life has been... Well, it's MY blog! Haha. I say what I want to say and I'm being very real. As long as I don't stumble people, yes, welcome to my life. If I don't be honest, then please don't read my blog. Because it's really not me! Haha. Anyway, this week was part of God's plan. Yes, I made the wrong choices, bad decisions... But God knew I was going to... And God prepared a redemptive plan for me (I guess, that was talking to Quek!). HAHA. Gaah... Sometimes maybe I think too much... Too much until I miss out how much my pastors and leaders love me. Like Wendy said, I am not simple as I think I am. And only today I realise, that's what makes me who I am, right? If I am so simple, I will never get to understand complicated people like how I can now. But that doesn't mean simple people can't understand complicated people... I am a simple person (just not VERY simple), but I can understand complicated people because I can think and feel like one. It's a gift! Like Dr. A.R. Bernard said... LOL. Ok to the point. I don't have to try to be someone else! Because God loves me for who I am... People love me for who I am too! Pastors love me... My leaders love me... My zone mates and my CG loves me... Even you love me... (YOU BETTER DO! HAHA!) And why does everybody love Gabriel? Because Gabriel is Gabriel! Haha, ok I shall not talk in such egoistic ways. But I realise, I am accepted in Heart of God church, loved by people in church, included, believed in, raised up... It was because of the person I uniquely was that pastors and my leaders saw potential... That there could only be one me, with the character and strengths I had... And God knew about the scars that I was going to have! I felt so honoured when Wendy shared with me about such a perspective and image they had of me. I understand so much more now. How my pastors and leaders think and feel, especially about me... How even many people think and feel, which I never understood in the past... Sometimes we make wrong decisions in life... But never give up, never lose faith... Because even through your down seasons, God is with you... God planned it... And most of the time, God is helping you understand yourself better... God is giving you insight of yourself... That you will understand your hindsight and why your past happened... And then realise your foresight, your vision, your calling, your destiny... E Zone restructure... Good or bad? I don't think that matters. But I can assure you, each and every one of you... That all these changes are in God's plans. That is what matters. Insight. Hindsight. Foresight. No wonder I'm called to preach. LOL. Ok sleep, good night. Saturday, December 6, 2008 @ 4:30 AM
highlight I never felt so much better. HAHA. Night cycling with E20. It was one of the best outings we had so far. Just relaxing on our bikes and feeling the wind as you ride on. Putting every anxiety aside. Putting every trouble aside. No matter what they may be. No integration to worry about. No new friend to make sure he's not left out. Just us, zi ji ren. Sometimes it's really good to have such times, taking such breaks... Ah well, we had a great time cycling and scaring each other to death because some of us can't cycle straight (*ahem*Anto*ahem*). We shall find some time where all of us have holidays so that we can have CG BBQ and overnight cycling or something. That would be a great CG outing for us, together with all the newer people as well. Then we don't have to splurge on 3-piece KFC meals after that. We arrange soon guys, remind me! :) The night didn't end when I called Quek to ask him about his paper. Immediately I felt like going to find him and spend a long night just fellowshipping with him. Of course, eventually we did... Met at Bugis, travelled to Cine, watched Quarantine and ate tau huay. Quarantine was a great movie... Freaky, but awesome. I just don't want any nightmares tonight of being in any place with people infected with such a virus. I just hope for once, everyone can be less up tight about things and be more real. But at the same time, I know where my loyalty lies. Yeah Quek, we need to correct this thinking for the cause of Christ... For the cause of Christ... HAHA. Let's run this race together. Okay I gotta sleep now and wake up at 9. Meeting Peck and Yan Rui for B&J! Then zone meeting later... Hmm... Well, see you tomorrow! Friday, December 5, 2008 @ 5:09 AM
memories Well I can't sleep, and nothing's good on TV, so YouTube is my next resort. This match brings back memories. I remembered how I wasn't allowed to watch this match live because I had school the next day, but I went to school cheerful after my dad told me the result. I was the most eager to come back home and watch it recorded on tape. This Champions League match sealed Man Utd's famous 1999 treble, together with the Premier League and the FA Cup. How I wished I watched it live, I could imagine the feeling of being so close to defeat but jumping and celebrating just 3 minutes before the match ended. It was amazing how this match was won by then United substitutes Teddy Sheringham and Ole Gunnar Solskjaer. They weren't in the main eleven, the first choices, the superstar strikers... But they were the heroes for that night and the men of the moment. Opportunities, wow. Even when the next season started, they were still not in the first team. Solskjaer was then famous for always coming off the bench and saving the day from a close defeat. After he hung his boots, he still stayed at Old Trafford (I mean, Man Utd) and became the coach of United's Reserve Team. Never in the spotlight, but there at places where you need him. Superstars like Gabriel Heinze (ashamed to share the same name), Ruud van Nistelrooy, David Beckham left when they felt like it and their moments forgotten, but Ole Gunnar Solskjaer was always known for his loyalty to the club, and for this night where he led United to make history. Sometimes in our lives, we get so close to defeat from the problems and obstacles in our lives. But we didn't come this far to give up at the last minute. Or the last 3 minutes. God always saves the day... He is always faithful even when we are faithless. ... And you may not be the first choice, the main person, the favourite... But you are still in God's plans. Never quit, because you'll never know when your moment will come. God has chosen you for such a time like this. God uses people who are weaker and less able, so that His glory may be shown. Ps. If anyone has an old Man Utd jersey from the 1999 season, how much for it? Or if you see it selling anywhere, let me know. I'll get it with the number 20 and his name printed. LOL. Thanks Quek. @ 3:45 AM
friends Friends are like oil. Oil lubricates machines to work more efficiently. Friends along your side are like oil who motivate you to run the race well. The winner of a competition with no friends to celebrate with is the real loser. The loser who weeps with his family and friends is the real winner. I thank God for Jia Yang and Jeremy Quek. Without people like them, I think I wouldn't have lasted this race. I'm just like you struggling with my problems like how you're struggling with yours now. Haha. Just making sure. I need to blog more normally. I promise I will! The faith-filled Gabriel will return! Thursday, December 4, 2008 @ 5:51 PM
i told you Tevez forces Fergie rethink ![]() Carlos Tevez: Scored four goals against Blackburn Rovers Sir Alex Ferguson has admitted the brilliant performance from Carlos Tevez in Manchester United's 5-3 Carling Cup win against Blackburn Rovers has provided him with a major selection headache. Tevez has found his Manchester United appearances restricted since the arrival of record signing Dimitar Berbatov at Old Trafford but his four goals on Wednesday night makes a good case for inclusion. Sorry if I scared you guys with his photo. HAHA. I think he's my favourite player now :D Wednesday, December 3, 2008 @ 7:06 PM
newsflash ![]() They say with the arrival of Dimitar Berbatov and his recent good form, Carlos Tevez is currently out of favour in Manchester United. In my opinion, Tevez is still better. He's scarier in front of goal (maybe because of his face, haha), and much more dangerous. And I don't think he'll leave United. Fine, I shall spare non-soccer fans. Should I look for a job? I'm seriously bored at home especially during the afternoon. Unless I plan to jog in the morning, there's no other motivation to stop me from sleeping in till almost noon. But if I start working, I'll have lesser time with my CG and with my friends. Hmm... For the past few days, the new vision for E20 has been burning in my heart. Can't wait to share it with all of you one day! It's so powerful. I told a few people about it and they felt the same way, Josh, Maryse, Jia Yang etc. Hahaha. This is exciting. Can't wait for 2009! Meanwhile, I've been playin Football Manager 2009 lately. It's really an addictive game especially when you choose Manchester United as your team, because you keep winning, you have amazing scouts to source out high potential young players and thus build a strong squad to challenge the best and dominate the rest. Maybe that's what I like to do, build people, build teams, build leaders... I just love to see people rise up and grow to their places. Thus, my calling. HAHA. I'm going to build E20 to be a CG of prototypes and role models. Kenneth. Derry. Miaow Guan. Anthony. Lester. Mark. Fabian. Tee Ang. Tuesday, December 2, 2008 @ 4:37 AM
prototype It is easy to lead when you're strong, but this is when it matters. |