![]() THE PROTOTYPE 220389 I'm just like you THE LIVE ACTION LEESWEEKEAT THE BITTERSWEET MOMENTS March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 THE REAL WORLD Aaron Cheong Adriena Amandal Annlynn Anthony Benedict Bryan Caiman Carol Chek Yeow Chi Chi Beng Dexter Dinnie Dominic Douglas Evangeline Evi Fion Furong Garrett Grismond Hong Rui Huili Iris Ivan Ivy Jamie Jaslyn Jasmine Jasmin Jeannette Jeremy Quek Jia Yang Jian Hong Jian Ming Joanna Joanne Johnny Jolie Josh Joy Keegan Kenneth Leon Lester Li Yue Liane Lucinda Mark Maryse May Melisa Melvin Miaow Guan Michelle Cheng Michelle Yao Ming Han Minting Mong Nadine Natalia Noni Peck Hoon Qi Wei Ranford Ryan Kumar Sharyl Stella Tommy Valerie Cheong Vanessa Chan Vanessa Han Weijie Wendy Lee Wendy Neo Xinjie Xueli Yan Rui Yan Yun Yassy Yechin Zhuo Xinyi Zoe
Tuesday, November 25, 2008 @ 3:19 AM
ouch But for a good cause. I'm feeling better now anyway... I'm strong, one day is enough for me to sleep it off. Heheh. Anyway, thanks Xinjie for the pics! John 21:20-22 Let my life be Your clay Mould me in Your way Monday, November 24, 2008 @ 7:42 PM
sick Gah, fell sick and didn't really have a good day, bed-ridden for the whole afternoon. Was already feeling unwell since Saturday night, perhaps just hours after losing 500ml of my blood. LOL. No wonder Derry said it wasn't a good experience. And I'm waiting for Xinjie to send me the photos of the evil needle penetrating my skin and veins (definitely without insulation). I'm still happy because I'm just filled with faith right now. I feel much better. Ok time for dinner. Sunday, November 23, 2008 @ 1:27 AM
power I felt like I've really grown a lot this week. Despite a few things, I'm happy, and I feel faith inside of me. Next week will come forth a breakthrough. I believe. I love You, Jesus. Friday, November 21, 2008 @ 7:09 AM
proclaim There are many things which happened this week which I just need to tell the whole world about. This is my blog, so too bad for you, like Pst Ulf said playing the angel, "I am Gabriel, shut up!". LOL. I love Pst Ulf. Anyway, here goes:- - I've jogged for 5 mornings straight, last 2 days waking up at 6.30am. - I've not eaten supper for the past 2 days. - I'm starting to feel the creeps for junk or oily food even when I'm starving (now that's a good sign, right?? HAHA) - I've not missed a single Asia Conference session and I'm not like super worn out or falling asleep during any which I normally would. - (this is probably the best to me) I've been praying and doing my QT every single day without missing once, at least 30 minutes daily, which I've been failing to do for very long. If I can change 5 things within 5 days, I can change the world by the end of this year. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! Whenever I feel too tired to go on this week, I will remember that pastors is having much lesser sleep than me and doing so much more than all of us. 3 hours every day!? This morning, they woke up at 5 to pick Pst AR Bernard up at the airport and host him till Monday (Speaking of which, I can't wait to hear Pst AR Bernard speak!) Not to mention, Pastor How is preaching in two more elective and has to prepare his sermon for our combined service this Saturday. And if you thought that was all, he'll be ordained as a Reverend on Sunday morning at Asia Conference, and also having to share his testimony. Please pray for my pastors. And that's why Asia Conference is so exciting that I think you shouldn't miss it. Personally, I received a lot and I believe I'm going to grow a lot this week as well. Okay, time to rush off for the next session. I've not bathed! Perspiring like dog now. Bye! I blogged at 7!? Cool... Thursday, November 20, 2008 @ 3:00 PM
no more running wild I've been jogging lately. Yes. Gabriel has been jogging. And the best part is, jogging in the MORNING. :) It's been very refreshing. 3 mornings straight. Consistently in distance and timing. Each day I push it an hour earlier, and today I woke up at 6.30am to do so, then head down to Expo with Fabian and Anto (they over-ed at my house) for Asia Conference. And until now I don't feel sleepy at all. See, I am a morning person. I just made myself think I am, and now I am. Whoo hoo! Nah, it ain't just the temperament switch, but solving many problems as well. By being a morning person and jogging to start my days, I find myself:- - More disciplined, especially to spend more time with God - Happier, more energetic - More alert, both physically and spiritually - Healthier diet, refrain from oily food and most of all no more late night junk - More faithfilled to keep going even when problems arise That's my current motivation to wake up early every morning and do my rounds. At the same time, I'm preparing for army. HAHA. As a man thinks, so he is. Next challenge is to be a person who loves hard work. I have faith for 15 next week. This time for real. :) Tuesday, November 18, 2008 @ 10:38 AM
rise with the sun I shall be a morning person again. HAHA. I AM a morning person. :) See you at Asia Conference! Sunday, November 16, 2008 @ 11:37 PM
Garrett rocks I met Garrett too! And I felt really privileged. Just last Friday, Garrett shared with me something to help me understand myself better. So for proof, our leaders DO understand us better than we understand ourselves man! POWERFUL, and just during today's service, I got a revelation from one of the verses Pastor How used! Genesis 1:26 Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness..."We all know, God made earth and God made man... And everything on earth is planned and thought by God. He can just say it... He can even just THINK it, and it will happen! So what does it mean when we are made in God's image, according to His likeness? It means, we resemble Him in many qualities... One of them is that we can control things and situations with our thoughts! Before you try a Jean Gray on your handphone, let me show you what I really mean. What you think, becomes what you feel, becomes what convicts you, becomes what you are, becomes what people think of you. Here's an illustration. Let's say something happen which makes me think you hate me. If I keep thinking this way, I will also feel that you really hate me (perhaps is the water crystals, but it just happens!). Sooner or later I get convicted that you seriously hate me from little things like not saying 'hi' to me, not being keen in talking to me, not wanting to go home with me (I'm hitting a few raw nerves already)... When I am convicted, I begin to, in front of you, talk or act as if you do hate me... And when you notice something wrong, you really begin to distant yourself away from me... And then I really think you hate me when you distant yourself away from me, and I begin to really feel that you... (and the cycle goes on and on in a downward spiral) (Disclaimer: This is a general and fictional example. No reference to anyone at all.) When you really think of something long enough, this happens to all of us. Agree? Well, and that's how you control the world with your mind... At least, your world. Let's take some real examples. It was a thought of starting a church that Pastor How had, which turned into a feeling everywhere he went and everyone he met, which became a conviction and a calling from God to raise up a new generation, and then he became the visionary of this generation leading 1400 members of Heart of God church to impact all levels of society and all walks of life. It was a thought of convicting younger people to give God the best years of their lives when Pastor Lia first saw 9 youths at the back row of a service, which became a feeling that wrecked her heart, which became a conviction and a burden to take them now or else lose them in future, and then she began personally leading the teen cell which has now grown to three quarter of the number of people in our church, who are in turn taking their generation for Jesus! So you see, not every vision or dream from God comes in a form of a white light, or an angel calling out your name. It all starts with what you think about every day. That's how God speaks to us! I used to think, or rather, have a mindset that my CG is not very evangelistic due to many reasons. Not that they are bad, nor do they not love people, in fact I even came up with very good reasons (or rather, excuses) why. It turns out, E20 really wasn't, and E20 themselves really thought they weren't... worse, many people even outside the CG were convinced because of the way I thought, felt and led. Well, I started to turn change that thinking and force myself to think that E20 can evangelize (and all of E20 say?). Thus, just last week we had 5 new friends! And even without the 5 new friends, I thought deeper and realised this:- - Derry brought 8 friends to church in total, 2 are planted namely Tee Ang and Mark! - Miaow Guan, breaking out of his hermit shell, brought 7 friends to church this year alone, and 1 is very good and coming back! - Kenneth brought 4 friends to church in total, 2 of them are Anthony and Joseph! - Tee Ang, more powerful, brought 2 friends who are coming back quite regularly! Hence, after realising this, whenever I said "E20, let's EV and reach out!", I speak not requiring the faith to do something that has never been done before, I speak with the knowledge and thus faith to do something that has been done before and can be done again. E20, if you're with me, erm... Tag my board and say AMEN! HAHAHA! If you think you cannot do well in your studies, most likely you wouldn't, and certain people around you would most likely think the same way (aiya! a bit late ah!). If you think you cannot rise up in your ministry, you won't, and you'll realise your fellow crew having more opportunities to rise up than you do. If you think you cannot be a leader, not only will you not be one, you'll realise that you're seldom chosen or picked by your leaders. If you think you cannot be a good leader, not only will you be a bad one, you'll be discouraged every single time your leader talks to you about your people. If you think you cannot evangelize, not only will you not be able to, but people will shun you for pestering them to come to church. If you think you cannot be a good son or daughter, not only will you not be, your parents will continue nagging and yelling at you. If you think you cannot be a good Christian or a living testimony in the world, not only will you not be, everybody around you will persecute you even more. If you think you cannot find close friends or a place/purpose in church, not only will you feel left out, you will find that everyone is too busy to hear you out. BUT GOD THINKS YOU CAN. Jeremiah 29:11 ' "For I know the the thoughts that I think towards you," says the LORD, "thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. ' Thus, God will NEVER think you can't! And if you think you can be all of the above, things can change. You can find a place in Heart of God Church. You can be a great testimony of God. You can be a great son or daughter. You can be a great evangelist. You can be a great leader. You can be a great IC in your ministry. You can be a great student. Soon enough, people around you will think of you in all these ways. Thought --> Feeling --> Conviction --> Character --> Reputation "If I take care of my character, God will take care of my reputation." - D.L. Moody Pastor How said that maturity comes with acceptance of responsibility. If you want to be mature and take responsibility of your world, your life, your character... You can start by taking responsibility of your thoughts... ... And God will change your reputation and your world. This ability God has given you, use it back for God. :) And I guess I've just preached a sermon. Every eye closed, every head bowed... KIDDING! Thank you, Garrett. And thank You, Lord. Tuesday, November 11, 2008 @ 6:52 AM
who knows? It all came to a close, And a start of a new stage. But where's the happy ending? Well I guess I have my own page. I'm in need of a direction In such a time as now, For I don't know what to do, I really don't know how. One thing I know though, Is that everything went well Until that fateful day This merciless rain fell. Light snuffed out by clouds to mere rays, While bolts of vibes showed their pow'r. Just pray, have faith and overcome? I really don't know how. One thing I know though, Is that you'll definitely care. I understand every reason Why you weren't there. Perhaps I should try harder, Or just catch you at the right hour. Which I really don't know when, and I really don't know how. One thing I know though, About the scars on my heart. These wounds that healed overtime, Now as beautiful as art. They remind me of my purpose, That my future is a vow. They guide me to walk this maze which I really don't know how. One thing I know though, Is to focus and keep going, To stay faithful and consistent, And with love keep sowing. How would they take such ending If I give it all up now? Please mould me and teach me; I really don't know how. One thing I know though, Is who I truly am. These bolts will always strike, Yet I'm not destroyed by them. No matter what I won't back down, Neither will I bow. Just more strength I need to draw which I really don't know how. One thing I know though, Is that I will still love Thee. I will live and follow Your ways Till the day I see. If not for love, if not for grace, I wouldn't be here now. My life will glorify You, just that I really don't know how. One thing I know though, I'm back again at this ground. Yet I know it's not the end, But time for my next round. No breaks despite such weariness Because my time is now. God will help me make this race but I really don't know how. All I know, I'm always standing, always running, always fighting, always holding on. Because my God is ALWAYS with me. I bind barrenness in the Name of Jesus. Fruitful. Grow. Multiply. It is possible. It is easy. God, GIVE ME THIS MOUNTAIN. Yes, this mountain... Monday, November 3, 2008 @ 5:52 PM
this is e20 Goodness me. I walked in rubbing my eyes, wondering whether this was really my CG. Then asked myself if I was really their CGL. Well, I got my revelation here. HAHA. Powerhouse today was awesome. Going to do livefeed for tomorrow's one. Staying over in church tonight! :) Take care! Ps. The special colour effects were not done by photoshop. Make a guess :) Sunday, November 2, 2008 @ 4:48 PM
confessions E2 CEG was awesome lahhh!!! Although wasted that a few couldn't come. But I'm really proud of those who did. I'm just really happy to see everyone confessing their dreams and visions boldly... When Derry said he will get his friends and families to be saved, and will rise up to be a leader... When Miaow Guan said he will rise up to be the future head of Photog, and how his convictions led him to it... When Anthony and Lester said they will be worship leaders... When Yong Sing said he will be a CG guitarist, CGL and in future a millionaire... When Tee Ang said he will be the next Dr Clemen Chiang and reach out to all his friends with his testimony... When Lucinda said she will be the OGL of Decor... When Yvonne said our CCH will become like City Harvest Church's, having 7000 children on a big event... When Liwen said she will reach out to many of her friends... When Huiqi said she will be a missionary in future, and rise up in Sound... When Xinjie said she will be a CGL and be Fashion Head... When Vanessa said she will be a worship leader and head another Fashion ministry (different purpose, ask them to find out more =P ) And when Wendy said she will be even more in flow with pastors, and rise up to be a ZM in E Zone... Haha, once Wendy becomes ZM, I'll be SCGL, and Derry will be CGL... LOL. By then I'll lead around 20 to 30 people? Then before I enter the army, I will rise up to be a ZM and lead 60 to 70 in 3 CEGs. I will be the first full time honourary staff at the age of 25. Still I need to get a revelation of myself in Live Feed! Well, guess I'll share more tonight. My CG's having fun with Miaow's camera and taking all the funny shots, thus I shall join them... See you! :) @ 3:11 AM
i still believe PLEASE CLICK THIS BEFORE READING BELOW AND READ THERE BEFORE READING HERE... AH WHATEVER, JUST CLICK AND YOU'LL KNOW WHAT TO DO. LOL. Miaow Guan rocks. That's just all it takes. Simple faith. Simplicity. Just believe. Just pray. Just have faith. Just imagine it and you can have it. Wow. I remembered once when I wasn't a CGL yet, I was leading only about 3 people in E2. Almost a year ago... Quek was still in the same CG as us! Haha! But there was one week where every new person was coming back and my team's attendance that week was 7, which made almost half the CG then. The amazing part was that I didn't do as much with my team then as I am even doing with my CG right now... In fact, I was just focussing on being connected with God and praying. I didn't even know what I needed to do with my team, so I just prayed for each of them... The growth just came, people just came back on their own and grew in their personal walk with God! Of course people, this doesn't work all the time. Faith still comes with actions, and mine then definitely did. My point is that our actions must also come from our faith. My point is that all things are possible when we are so in union and connected with God that faith and anointing overflows. Matthew 17:20 For assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. A mustard seed is smaller than your Clorets mints. If you can have that size of faith, you can move mountains. How much more if you have the faith to see E20 grow to 20 by December? How much more if you have the faith to see E20 have 10 new friends next week? I believe we have much more than what we seem to have. I want to see us grow so much, that all will wonder how we did it. Because all will see, it could only be God who did it for us and through us. So forget the past 2 weeks. Here's the real thing now. 15 new friends. Sakae Sushi (Haha). Breakthrough. In Jesus Name. Amen. Hallelujah. |