![]() THE PROTOTYPE 220389 I'm just like you THE LIVE ACTION LEESWEEKEAT THE BITTERSWEET MOMENTS March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 THE REAL WORLD Aaron Cheong Adriena Amandal Annlynn Anthony Benedict Bryan Caiman Carol Chek Yeow Chi Chi Beng Dexter Dinnie Dominic Douglas Evangeline Evi Fion Furong Garrett Grismond Hong Rui Huili Iris Ivan Ivy Jamie Jaslyn Jasmine Jasmin Jeannette Jeremy Quek Jia Yang Jian Hong Jian Ming Joanna Joanne Johnny Jolie Josh Joy Keegan Kenneth Leon Lester Li Yue Liane Lucinda Mark Maryse May Melisa Melvin Miaow Guan Michelle Cheng Michelle Yao Ming Han Minting Mong Nadine Natalia Noni Peck Hoon Qi Wei Ranford Ryan Kumar Sharyl Stella Tommy Valerie Cheong Vanessa Chan Vanessa Han Weijie Wendy Lee Wendy Neo Xinjie Xueli Yan Rui Yan Yun Yassy Yechin Zhuo Xinyi Zoe
Saturday, August 22, 2009 @ 3:21 AM
moved http://leesweekeat.tumblr.com/ Wednesday, August 5, 2009 @ 12:59 AM
faith Targets for NAPFA (minimum) Sit Ups - 34 (C) SBJ - 225 (C) S&R - 30 (D) THIS IS EASY LAH! Chin Ups - 5 (D) Shuttle Run - 10.6s (C) 2.4km - 12:20 (D) People will feel like whacking me for aiming only this... 3C + 3D = 9 + 6 = 15 points (SILVER - Minimum of D for every station) Here I come. Tuesday, August 4, 2009 @ 5:41 AM
won't back down Philippians 2:12-18 (NLT) 12 Dear friends, you always followed my instructions when I was with you. And now that I am away, it is even more important. Work hard to show the results of your salvation, obeying God with deep reverence and fear.13 For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him. 14 Do everything without complaining and arguing, 15 so that no one can criticize you. Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people. 16 Hold firmly to the word of life; then, on the day of Christ’s return, I will be proud that I did not run the race in vain and that my work was not useless. 17 But I will rejoice even if I lose my life, pouring it out like a liquid offering to God, just like your faithful service is an offering to God. And I want all of you to share that joy. 18 Yes, you should rejoice, and I will share your joy. Monday, August 3, 2009 @ 5:26 PM
hope? And I'd give up forever to touch you Cause I know that you feel me somehow You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be And I don't want to go home right now And all I can taste is this moment And all I can breathe is your life Cause sooner or later it's over I just don't want to miss you tonight And I don't want the world to see me Cause I don't think that they'd understand When everything's made to be broken I just want you to know who I am And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming Or the moment of truth in your lies When everything seems like the movies Yeah you bleed just to know your alive And I don't want the world to see me Cause I don't think that they'd understand When everything's made to be broken I just want you to know who I am I don't want the world to see me Cause I don't think that they'd understand When everything's made to be broken I just want you to know who I am I just want you to know who I am I just want you to know who I am I just want you to know who I am I just want you to know who I am Sunday, August 2, 2009 @ 1:23 AM
wonder why I'm going to start the momentum of blogging again, so these entries you've been reading are my small starts. Hehe! So hey yo, recently I've been starting to exercise! What for? Train myself up to get a Silver for my NAPFA, so that I can enlist a month or so later instead of September 14th. Reason? Buying more time! Here are the top five things I want to do before I enlist (which is if I can push the date back!) :- 1. Grow and build the CG! Raise more leaders, build every one stronger in the Lord and more connected to pastors! (And E8 say amen!? :D ) 2. Finish many Follow-Ups and even start (and finish) new ones! Currently undergoing three and planning (envisioning) to do more! (And hopefully train up people to do Follow-Ups too!) 3. Hang out with Jia Yang again when he POPs, and both of us have free time before he gets his posting. Looking forward to this a lot. 4. Celebrate a couple of birthdays in September, including Charleston's!! Hopefully in early October, even Jamie's!! And Ryan's! 5. Prepare for a better start in army, so as to be a greater testimony of God in there. Shining His light and glorifying Him! :) Yup! These are my motivations. Maybe more will come along the way. But every time I think of these above, I feel the need to train for that Silver even more. Not pressured, but rather energized and inspired. LOL. So if you're wondering why I have been quite worried (rah quite an understatement haha) the past many weeks, it's because my only problem now is time. HAHA. The good news is, I've broken free from worrying and I'm as faith-filled as ever. Matthew 6:25-34 25 “Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? 26 Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? 27 Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature? 28 “So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; 29 and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. 30 Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? 31 “Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. 33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. Small amount of time yes, but it's good that I feel small about it. Cos it's time to grow bigger! God doesn't live in time, and He sees that it's definitely possible if I trust Him and go forth to conquer it. It's easy to put God first, but trusting Him is a whole different thing. God has to remind us 9 times out of 10 in that passage about not worrying. He knows which is harder to do. But trust is powerful. Trust empowers. When you tell someone you trust him/her, it boosts that person's faith, confidence, self-esteem and everything else. How much more so if we trust GOD? No wonder God says that faith pleases Him. Yup that summarizes my life this season. Keep me in your prayers if you can! I really need my Silver. Thank you! :) Saturday, August 1, 2009 @ 12:25 AM
good "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose." - Romans 8:28 All things include the good, the bad, the ugly, the handsome, the rich, the poor, the stupid, the smart, the perfect, the ridiculous (...), the worrying, the lovely, the irritating... But ALL of such things, regardless of what they are, work together to become GOOD to you who love God, to you who have a life and destiny that God has planned from the beginning. All things cannot be good. But all things can become good. Now that's possible. All things are possible, nothing is impossible with God. When you have God, you can do all things, nothing will be impossible for you. That's why I'm Mr. Impossible. HAHA! Nonsense. But Lord, I'm Yours tonight. So are they :) Thank you E8. Thank you Jia Yang. Sunday, July 26, 2009 @ 9:15 PM
overwhelmed Could it be You're in control Now I see I don't know it all Well, today's unusual. I don't feel like blogging yet I do. I feel I need to. Here goes. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. I can't do it on my own. God, HELP ME x 2301723092183839289012830982938910283028391283012830. That's basically everything on my mind right now. All for an entry. Thanks and goodbye. How did I freakin' forget. |